Sunday, February 26, 2006

FEBRUARY 26, 2006; Memories from the week of February-25, 2005

Hawk had a Dr.'s appointment with Dr. K at Vandy on Thursday, 2/23/06. Mimi and Mom went with Hawk to the appointment. Blood was drawn and no real news came out of the appointment. An appointment was made for Monday, 2/27/06 for Hawk to come back and have the blood workups reviewed.

Then, they make a special trip by going to the Rain Forest to eat. Hawk got to play on the fire engine and got a lot of the wonderful game books that they had. He also got to ride in several of the archive rides. He especially liked the one that was like a roller coaster. They also went to see the movie of Curious George. Hawk had wanted to see it since he saw Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat in Universal Studios during his trip to Florida.

On Saturday, Hawk got up saying that he wanted to go to Cousins Frank and Carolyn Dudleys to ride on the golf cart that they have. Hawk took the Hummer that had been given to him at the Hawk's New Home showing that had been held the previous week. He loves to drive the wireless Hummer across ditches and under vehicles , having it turn over and keep going. He ran the hummer across the yard and pasture until the battery was run down. Frank then got the golf cart for Hawk, Pa and Skyla to ride on. Hawk was the driver controlling the pedal, which was always to the floor, and the steering. It was off to the races going through the pastures, crossing the ditches, going over the bumps, all at full speed. Hawk and Skyla had a great time with Frank and Pa holding on for dear life. It was not until the battery had almost run down and we were in fear of having to push the cart back to the house that we finally turned back.

We went by Wal-marts/Ole McDonalds for chicken and fries, what else. While we were eating, we had three different folks come up to the family, introduce themselves, say that they recognized Hawk and to let us know that he is in their prayers and the prayers of their friends and church. AWESOME-God bless this wonderful community.


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