Thursday, February 01, 2007

FEBRUARY 1, 2007; Trip to the Ringling Bros. Circus in Nashville.... Hawk and Skyla took Mimi and Pa to the Circus in Nashville at the Gaylor Center. It was wonderful. We give thanks to Make-A-Wish and the ticket personnel for helping us get discounted tickets.

The show started at 7:30 PM. We had been told that there was a period before the start that the people could get in early to see the circus up close. We got there before 6 PM. It was after 6:30 PM before they let the crowd inside. This was a long wait but we were inside the foyer of the GEC and in the relative warmth. Thanks goodness we were not outside in the freezing weather.

After getting inside, we went down on the floor and were able to talk to the clowns. You can see in the picture below on the right that this was a great joy to Hawk. We got to see the elephants, the dogs and many other things. This was a great time for the kids.

We were then told to take our seats, the lights soon were lowered and the circus was started. There were horsies (as Skyla said), dog acts, the seven motorcycles in the steel cage at one time going in circles, and many, many more acts.

The picture on the left was taken after the intermission. Mimi had put Skyla's PJ's on and she was close to sleep. They both had a wonderful time.